Our Work is dedicated to Our Beloved Mother
She is the inspiration towards what we do in our life. This is our appreciation to our beloved Mother, that was the reason we launched this brand on her birthday Nov, 24th, 2013 under the brand "Moodswing Indonesia". Presenting the love for Ibu Roostiati Basuki and to all strong, passionate Indonesian Women who always fight for their dreams and at the same time being the foundation to their family. Our work is "Inspired by Parents, Passion and Tradition". We do really believe to respect where we come from will remind us to stay grounded and can present honest and meaningful pieces.
The fashion label was the never-ending passion of my interest in art and design. Basically, in the beginning, it becomes the first family business we ever had, where my late father who was able to sew is the quality control and my mother was the finance controller. In 2016, my brother, Andhika Basuki flew back to Indonesia to join the company. We've been exploring few style and direction and at the end, we focus on Indonesian Fabric, Recycle process and how to add more values to the society.
The process was absolutely interesting and we have learned along this journey. In 2018 we had our first Fashion Show to launch the first Indonesian Fabric Collection and in 2019 we had the first men's collection at Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week; That also the moment Adrie Basuki The Label was introduced to the market as The Mindful Fashion Brand, Respect Kain Indonesia, Embrace Zero Waste Process and Handcrafted by Women Community. May our creation and works will have a place in your heart...
Adrie Basuki, Mindful Artisan Local Brand selalu mengangkat Kain Indonesia (Tenun Baduy, Tenun Lurik dan Batik) yang di gabungkan dengan kerajinan tangan para pengrajin lokal untuk menghasilkan karya yang dapat membantu keberlangsungan dan keramahan lingkungan. Bekerjasama dengan komunitas yang berada di sekitar juga merupakan cara kami menjaga ekosistem ekonomi yang bermanfaat untuk banyak pihak, salah satunya sebagai salah satu inisiator untuk komunitas Ibu/Perempuan di @kampungperca_kotabogor.
Selalu terinspirasi dari alam semesta dan bagaimana memaknainya menjadikan hampir seluruh koleksi Adrie Basuki selalu mengutamakan kenyamanan, detail tetap menjadi kekuatannya untuk mengedepankan bahwa kerajinan tangan jangan sampai punah, karena begitu banyak insan penuh bakat di Indonesia ini.
Perjalanan untuk terus berproses dan belajar juga tidak pernah membuat semangat kami padam, di tahun 2021 menjadi pemenang Pertama Lomba Perancang Mode 2021 dan APR Awards, sebuah ajang Fashion Designer bergengsi di Indonesia sejak tahun 1978 dan merupakan bagian dari Jakarta Fashion Week 2022. Dan di tahun di 2022, berhak mendapatkan beasiswa Short Course dari Sekolah Fashion Instituto Marangoni di Milan, Italia.
Kisah Adrie Basuki Untuk Negri

A Glimpse of me...
My Journey in Finding My Passion in Life
Fashion and Art always be a thing in my life. But, as the generation of the '90s, our parents still don't have confidence towards letting their son being an artsy guy. Then I was following what my parents want me to do; there is nothing wrong about it. Now, I understand the business school background helps me to build the brand and the family business.
Graduated from International Relation major and Master in Strategic management has led me to be in the marketing industry for almost 18 years, but along the way, I never let my passion dies. I keep doing my fashion and artistic passion. Building this brand with all passion and dream that I have, and all the effort has paid off. I was thrilled for my first fashion show at the national level at Plaza Indonesia Men's Fashion Week that has gotten a good review.
After all, my dreams are always to make myself meaningful for my own life and also to others. Thus, we focus the brand to exploring waste, respect Indonesian Fabric and working with underprivileged kids and middle-low homemakers to help them have a better future. Small steps that hopefully leads to something bigger...
Writing books always be a great escapade for me to share my thoughts. Drawing also one thing to release my emotion and creating something colourful in my life. And since 15 years old, I have been learning about meditation and breathing from my late father, I believe by focusing our mind to positive thing will make us a happy person, and in 2020 I open my Meditation Center called Roemah Bahagia.
My wish this fashion business is not only about fashion but also how to embrace ourselves, to be a better person in every step in our life and surely be meaningful to others and the universe...
Thank you for always supporting me...
Adrie Basuki